Como colaborar

A obra está quase pronta.
Nossa meta agora é concluir a pintura do prédio do Residencial e Centro de Convivência Bem Viver.


Como colaborar?
É muito simples.

Desejando colaborar através de alguma doação em espécie, a mesma pode ser feita através de depósito bancário, como segue:

Beneficiário: AATI - Associação de Amparo à Terceira Idade
CNPJ: 00.957.882/0001-88
Banco: Banco do Brasil
Agência: 0180-5
Conta: 5582-4

Desejando efetuar a doação pessoalmente, entre em contato com 51-81314007 ou 51-37112956!

Você também pode colaborar se associando à AATI, participando dos eventos beneficentes, doando brindes, participando das campanhas financeiras, sendo um voluntário, ajudando a divulgar.

Fazer o bem dá mais cor à vida!

Renata Waechter

Claudete Sulzbacher
Vice Presidente

sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011

Time for poetry

The beauty of dreaming

The dreams
Are the source of energy for us to walk in the direction of our destination.
Without them
each step is a simple step.
With them
each step is a chance of reaching the success.
We can dream alone,
with the friends,
with the community,
but we will always be dreaming,
reaching our dreams.

More beautiful the dream
when it focuses to benefit someone else
and not our own benefit.

More beautiful the sunrise,
when this day is the beginning of a journey
on the way of the achievement of our hopes and dreams.

More beautiful the sunset,
when the sun is hiding for some rest
after a day of actions
of dreams coming true.

But these moments of rest
will be only a stop to recharge with new energy
to immediate restart
the search for one more dream
or to meet the friends and plan another dream
or simply to go some more steps ahead.

May the time enable us to have new dreams
new journeys
new laughings
getting up after falling
with no hurry
with confidence,
with peace,
being sure that every time we fall
there is a reason for this to happen
and it will give us new strength,
better ideas,
and we can be sure there is a lot do be done
with our friends and fellows
close to us or even distant,
requiring only to be involved with the same dream
a dream to give a reason to our lives,
and something better to leave as our feet steps.

Let's dream forever!

Claudete Sulzbacher
President AATI 2010/2012

Photo by Claudete Sulzbacher

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